Configure BCBs for Inter-VSN Routing
Inter-VSN allows you to route between IP networks on Layer 2 VLANs with different I-SIDs. Inter-VSN routing is typically used only when you have to extend a VLAN as a Layer 2 Virtual Services Network (VSN) for applications such as vMotion. Use IP Shortcuts to route traffic. You must configure both the Backbone Edge Bridges (BEBs) and the Backbone Core Bridge (BCB).

To enable inter-VSN routing, you must configure the IP interface where the routing instance exists.
Before you begin
You must configure the required SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure.
You must configure the BEBs that contain the VSNs you want to route traffic between. For more information, see Configure BEBs for Inter-VSN Routing.
About this task
Follow these steps to configure the BCB for inter-VSN routing.
On the BCB, create a VRF:
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select VRF.
- Select Insert.
- For Id, specify the VRF ID.
- Name the VRF instance.
- Configure the other parameters as required.
- Select Insert.
Create a VLAN to associate with
each VSN:
Associate the VLAN with an
- From the same Advanced tab. navigation path, select the
- For Isid, specify the I-SID to associate with the specified VLAN.
- Select Apply.
Configure a circuitless IP
interface (CLIP):
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select IP.
- Select the Circuitless IP tab.
- Select Insert.
- For Interface, type a CLIP interface number.
- Provide the IP address.
- Provide the network mask.
- Select Insert.